Thursday, June 24, 2010

A week in the Aldeas

(5 am Walk)


Sorry for the lack of updates this week but between waking up at 4:30 am everyday (for the women’s walking group, we’re up to 18 women!) and hiking through the mountains (details to come) this week has been extremely exhausting. We continued our dental program throughout the aldeas (Coco, El Medio, El Sapote, Guara, and Los Posos) surrounding Punta Ocote this week. We went to Posos yesterday and it was one of the poorest and most isolated places I have ever had the opportunity to visit. Posos is located in the mountains about an hour hike off the main road through a foot trail that a motorcycle would have difficulty passing through. After hiking in the Honduran heat we reached a small spread out village of 18 houses. In the small school (picture below)

there were only 11 students ranging from 5-12 years old. There were also no facilities in the community…all of the water was collected from rainfall and there was no electricity. The kids were very happy to have us there, some of them were in shock…I don’t think they have seen many gringos in their community. It was a little disheartening when we asked “who brushed their teeth this morning?” and not a single child raised their hand…Hopefully this dental program will set in motion some form of dental hygiene in the area and our efforts will not be in vain. Once we returned to Punta we went to the walking group in Coco and I was happy to see that the program is also doing very well there. Every day the men of the town play soccer while the women would traditionally stay in the house…this walking program in Coco has provided an opportunity for the women to get out and exercise as the men play their soccer games. With these walking programs I am slowly stepping aside and placing the responsibility of the group on the women themselves (in the hopes of making these programs self-sustainable), so this week I selected 2 “presidents” of the group to maintain the organization and lead future walks.

We also have this enormous mango tree right next to our house down here so we have all been enjoying mangos everyday for the last 3 weeks it’s pretty nice…and on the other side of the house we have an avocado tree which is just about ripe.

Tomorrow we are heading to Tela, a beach along the eastern coast of Honduras, for the weekend so I am really looking forward to some relaxation after this busy week. I also finished my second book since being down here Three Cups of Tea which is a very inspiring book about the NGO, The Central Asia Initiative, by Greg Mortenson. Take Care, Marc

Happy 18th Birthday Kenny! Talk to you tomorrow.


  1. Marc - it's awesome to see the good you are doing! - Congrats and Enjoy your time.

    Master Blum

  2. Marc, the walking program sounds great. How has it been going since you've posted this?
    Three Cups of Tea is definitely an excellent book. Have you read 'Mountains Beyond Mountains' about Paul Farmer in Haiti - I think you would really enjoy it.
