Sunday, June 20, 2010

Our first weekend vacation


On Friday we headed to lake Yajoa and stayed at the “resort” Agua Azul. It wasn’t what I would consider a resort but we stayed right on the lake and there were amazing views all around. On the first day we settled in and a few of us went kayaking, swimming, and just enjoyed the good company.

On Saturday, I had my first experience with the Honduran buses on our way to a tourist hot spot, Pulhapanzak park, which has an amazing waterfall. The buses are little more than old yellow school buses from the United States that have been “tricked out” somewhat with loud speaker systems and different painted adornment on the outside (I will definitely get a picture up soon). At the waterfall we were able to hire a guide to take us under the falls and it was amazing. With our group locked hand in hand, we navigated through the falls and behind them into several small caves…it was a great experience being there and looking up as the huge waterfall crashed down all around us.

After we left the park we headed to D&D, the only microbrewery in Honduras and another very popular gringo area. Here we were able to sample some of the great beers (believe it or not the raspberry ale was amazing) and grabbed a delicious late lunch. We met a few fellow gringos down there, many of whom were backpacking through central/south America and were making a stop for the night. We returned to the hotel and went fishing for dinner…literally. We were told that whatever we caught would be prepared for us for half price. For many of us this was our first time fishing and it was a lot of fun, not so much for the fishing part. Using a rickety old boat (picture below), the 6 of us were given soda bottles as rods and our guide (Miguel) took us to the “best fishing area” of the pond…after 2 hours the 6 of us caught a total of 2 fish, I CAUGHT ONE J…and Miguel alone caught 5. Our fish were prepared later that night and were delicious. After another relaxing night of rain on the metal roof of the resort, we called it a night. In the morning, we headed back to Punta and painted the clinic in the afternoon. This was a great weekend in Honduras full of great company and amazing experiences, Happy Fathers day!

O and walking group tomorrow at 3 pm and not at 5 am J hasta manana, Marc

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