Thursday, June 17, 2010

Honduras Perdió y La Programa Dental


We began this morning at 5:00 am to go and watch the heavily anticipated world cup soccer match of Honduras v. Chile….and it was anything but exciting. After 90 minutes of play the final score was 1-0, Honduras lost…and I fell asleep halfway through. At 7:30 am we headed out to the school in Punta Ocote (by far the largest of any school we are going to visit) to begin our first day of the dental program. This was my first time in one of the schools down here and it was quite a poor site to see. The school was K-12 and was very poorly organized and lacked many simple facilities…There was no running water, there were two bathrooms (which were merely holes in the ground), and many students were outside of their classrooms. When we asked why, we were told that some of the teachers did not come into work today (with no reason). Despite this, between the morning and afternoon sessions we spoke in every classroom and distributed over 250 toothbrushes, toothpastes, and gave all the students fluoride treatments. I have uploaded some pictures from the day here:

In the afternoon we had the first walk for my women’s walking group and it was much more successful than I had anticipated. After all the hard work, we had 16 women come and participate in the very first walk. Instead of walking for 20 minutes (as I had initially planned), these women not only walked but also ran for about an hour and 15 minutes. When I asked about the next walking time, they unanimously voted to meet tomorrow…at 5 am (I’ve created a monster). I shouldn’t be surprised though, most of these women wake up at 4:30 am to begin working around the house.

At night we ate the o-so-common beans and tortillas with some fresh quajada(a salty but very popular Honduran cheese). We also lost power again for about 3 hours…I am slowly getting used to not having electricity or running water in the evenings. Tomorrow we are heading to 2 smaller aldeas and I have another walk in the afternoon with the ladies in Coco. Ciao, Marc

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