Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Week 2 in Honduras...


Today (Tuesday) while writing my blog outside the internet café, I collected a crowd of about 25 kids who had just gotten out of school…amazed by the gringos (white people) on computers lol. Today we also visited Coco (one of the closer aldeas) to finalize the walking group out there and to also discuss David’s farming project. Both seem to be moving forward and the walking group out there will be meeting on Wednesday. In other news…we haven’t had water since Sunday night and today is Tuesday J. On Tuesday we began painting the clinic and finished the inside of it…we still have the whole outside to paint though…Tomorrow we begin the dental program in the schools and the first walk of my program is scheduled for 4 o’clock…we should have about 10-15 women coming. Also tomorrow morning at 5:30 am Honduras is playing Chile…this is a big deal down here because Honduras hasn’t been in the world cup for 18 years…so we will be waking up a little after 5ish to go and watch the game at Ramon’s house. There was no internet yesterday yet again lol so here are my last 2 posts...we just finished up at the school and distributed the toothbrushes and toothpaste and gave fluoride treatments (they also do not fluorinate the water down here) to about 160 kids I will be writing about this later tonight and I have alot of pictures to put up as well :) hasta pronto, Marc

ps. Nanny I hope your feeling much better, get well soon and I can't wait to see you in August Love You, Marc :)

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