Friday, June 4, 2010

Touched down in the land where the skies are blue

After 9 hours of travel from JFK to Miami and finally to San Pedro Sula in Honduras, I have finally arrived at my destination. Flying out of Miami I sat next to cute little girl with her mother who were going back home to Honduras. Lesson of the day…my Spanish is a little rusty! When the girl began asking me about my cell phone in Spanish I realized that I need some practico, mucho practico. Over the next 2 months this will be something that I will strive to work on. Flying into San Pedro Sula was unlike any airport I have ever been too. The airport is located in the middle of a vast sea of plantations and sugar cane farms...nothing else. When we landed our plane was the only commercial plane at the airport (the others were small biplanes). After passing through customs with my 55lb luggage bag (yea I brought too much), we were greeted by Sheridan and Robin and their diesel Isuzu pickup truck. We headed out to el Progresso (a 20 minute ride) to stay with Carmine, a local Honduran who graciously has opened her home to us for the next 2 nights. On the way I again experienced the amazing driving that goes on in Central America. No police cars and no speed limits, the biggest obstacles are potholes, bicyclists, and horses in the middle of the roads. Carmine lives in a modest house with 4 small bedrooms and no AC, the humidity today is through the roof. On the whole el Progresso is not that poor of a town and the signs of Americanization are astounding. I am writing this blog from el boulevard de gringos (White Boulevard). There is a Pizza Hut, a Popeye’s chicken, and a KFC (I am using the wifi here to send out my entry). We’ll be in el Progresso until Sunday at which point we’ll be heading to rural town of Punta de Ocote, about 2 hrs away. Next update…wherever there is internet J Saludos, Marc


  1. Marc! you sound like your having a great frekin time. I don't think Ox were made to pull trucks out of the mud but nice try. i got the mac in the mail today and finally got a chance to read your blog. I cannot wait to visit a foreign country, looks like so much fun. Tell those kids to put some shoes on, maybe if they had the nice nikes were so fortunate to have they would :p. idk if your heard about nanny but she's in the hospital...broken pelvis on account of amanda's devil dog, Layla. Nanny's fine i saw her today, brought her the essentials: hard candy, diet cola, and yogurt. haha be careful, love you, tty soon bro

  2. BTW the pathfinder would have mad it out of the mud nooo problem. and i put a link of this blog up on myspace just so ppl. know and can see whats goin on. talk to you soon.
