Monday, June 14, 2010

The many churches in Punta Ocote


Today we woke up at 6:30 am (I was actually awakened at 4:00 am by the chorus of rooster calls outside my window, I hate the roosters) for something Ramon calls Cowpachinos…it’s basically when we get up nice and early and find one of Ramon’s cows, then proceed to milk it straight into our fresh cups of coffee lol. Unfortunately, Ramon had to attend a sheep emergency this morning so we had to reschedule our Cowpachino experience. After this at 10:00 am, David and I attended the Inglesia Catolica (catholic church) which was far different than what I had expected. They were very pleased to have David and I in the church as they welcomed us graciously at the beginning of the service. The small church building was filled with about 40 people (and 2 dogs) for morning prayer, mostly older women and children. The church has open spaces for windows through which birds would occasionally fly through, this was evidently a common event since I seemed to be the only person surprised by the birds fluttering throughout the room during prayer. After the 2 hour service, I presented the walking group program to the congregation…they seemed to like the idea and agreed to have a general interest meeting tomorrow at 4! After we left this church, we visited 2 others. At the last church we visited, we were greeted by 15 women who had stuck around after their service to listen to the proposed walking group program…after my presentation the group decided to hold a group walk Wednesday at 4…so the first walk is going to happen. They asked if I could merge the different church groups and I think it is a great idea so I will discuss the possibility in my future church meetings…I have 2 tomorrow. Also tomorrow we are getting trained in how to apply fluoride treatments so that we can begin the school dental programs later this week. We are also going to be painting the outside of the new clinic this week in addition to working inside. That’s all for today enjoy el cupo de mundo…everyone here is, Marc

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