Saturday, July 3, 2010

Last week in Punta Ocote :(


I finally have a good amount of time to write about all the things that have happened this week, sorry Mom for the lack of updates but I am alive J…I started the week with a trip to the dermatologist to check out the rash that I developed on my chest...this was quite the experience. The doctor was a little crazy and came to the quick conclusion that my rash was due to an allergic reaction to swimming in Lake Yajoa 2 weeks ago. His remedy was a injection of steroids? In the right butt cheek and a spray of liquid nitrogen on the rash (along with a cream, a bar of soap, and 3 different unmarked pills which I didn’t take…my Mom taught me well). A few days later the rash is gone…I guess the crazy derma knew his skin problems. This week we focused on wrapping up our projects in Punta and made efforts to make these programs sustainable into the future. Hannah, Marion, and I made a poster to advertise the walking group in the clinic (note the runner in the top right corner)

(Walking group poster)

(Who is that handsome man?)

...and I also made/distributed an exercise information guide for the women to prevent injury and encourage further participation…here it is:

Información Importante Sobre Ejerció

Para los beneficios de salud es importante hacer, por lo menos, 30 minutos de ejercicio cada día.

Para el grupo de caminar:

Hidratación: Manténgase hidratado antes, después, y durante caminando, especialmente en los días de calor.

-Hay que beber mucha agua y traer una botella de agua.

-Beber agua ayudara a evitar el cansancio de músculos y el dolor.

Estirarse: Ayuda a prevenir las heridas de músculos y debe hacerlo después de unos ejercicios breves para animarse.

-Los ejercicios deben enfocarse en las piernas, las pantorrillas, y los brazos.

-Hay que mantener cada estiramiento entre diez y veinte segundos. Evite de botar – cada movimiento debe ser suave.

Los zapatos: Mientras caminar o correr, los zapatos del tamaño correcto son importantes para proteger y evitar dolor de los pies.

El cansancio de músculos y heridas: El cansancio es normal al empezar nuevos ejercicios. ¡No sea desalentado!

-Se puede prevenir las heridas si se hace caso de las sugerencias anteriores.

-Si está herido, ponga hielo en la área afectada y descanse.

A final: Disfrute, socializa, y sea saludable!

(thanks Nate)

This week we also headed up to Sapote (a really poor community of 10 houses which has little to no resources) for another visit. We went to speak with the people of the community and also check out the “governmental food program” (Proheco) that was supposedly feeding the school children. We visited all the houses and spoke with the people about their health concerns in the community…we learned that there had been a death due to malnutrition less than 2 months ago as well as reports of dengue in the community. After talking with the people, Hannah and Rob stuck around to see how the school feeding program worked…it didn’t. Waiting until 1:30 pm, the food never came and the teacher had no answers to why

(Walking up to Sapote)

(One of the houses in El Sapote)

…In addition to the poor support in the schools, Sapote has very little available water for the people in the community. The people here have to make several trips each day down a very steep and dangerous path to a water source/broken well that was built in 1993. Because of the steep path to the water, one elderly women told us that she doesn’t get her own water, she must rely on other family members to get her water…that is when they are home. We went to see this water source (pictures below) and I was saddened to find mosquito larvae and other living organisms in the sole water source for this community. As I previously stated, we plan on working with some water brigade organizations in the future to bring fresh water to this community.

(The walk down to the communities water supply)

(Built more than 17 years ago this small pool of stagnant water supplies the entire community of Sapote)

In most parts of Honduras there is no trash removal or sanitation companies…instead it is commonplace to burn the trash. All of the garbage from the house is burnt from paper and plastic to the metal. Often this burning takes place right in the street in front of the house and releases thousands of toxic and carcinogenic particles into the air. Many people here do not understand the true dangers of this practice which is especially dangerous to the children. Earlier this week, I observed this:

While our neighbor burned the trash from their house, the children played in the smoke…trying to see who could stay in it longer. This is obviously a huge health hazard which could lead to numerous lung, brain, and other internal problems for these children. Salud Juntos will be working on this problem in the future, hopefully bringing education to the people so that something can be done to end or control the toxic pollution of trash burning.

On a lighter note, we went to a feria (rodeo) on Wednesday afternoon and it could have possibly been one of the weirdest experience in my life. I think the pictures speak for themselves, but this was an annual rodeo in the town of Yorito which drew a crowd of a few hundred people. There was a rodeo clown/cross dresser who entertained the crowd between riders, the picture I put up shows him holding the bull’s tongue in his mouth as he held it down…he also had the bull smoking a cigarette, blowing a whistle, and he did a few flips off the bulls tired body…yes, this was animal cruelty at its finest. In an area without movie theatres and malls, this is the acceptable form of entertainment people flock too.

(The bulls tongue is in his mouth)

Also this week I had the opportunity to work on a vision brigade in Coco. We spent the afternoon giving vision tests and handing out glasses to both near and far sighted individuals. We then spent Friday evening in El Progreso, which just happens to be the bull testicle capital of Honduras. There are many resaturates that specialize in dishes serving up bull natural we had to try them...and they most defiantly do not top my list of favorite foods haha (they are very fatty with little flavor).

...And just like that my time with Salud Juntos has come to an end. Thank you to everyone at Salud Juntos I had a great time with you all!...This weekend I am switching to begin working with another NGO, Hombro a Hombro (Shoulder to Shoulder). I will be working with them for the next 4 weeks in the province of Intibuca (very close to the El Salvador border). I am very excited to begin working with this organization, it has been around for over 20 years and I will be working with many professionals from the United States. Stay tuned for more, we're only half way done :) Buenas Noches, Marc

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